TBD: To Be Determined
Avalon Sookdeo shares a message about purposeful, pre-determined paths through the story of Zacchaeus.

Jonah 2 – Prayer from a Self-Righteous
Are we praying the wrong way? When we come to God in prayer, we should be earnest and humble.

Church Discipline is the Will of God
It's not always easy, but we are called to keep each other accountable. This is a primary purpose of a true church.

Guard the Gift
What are we doing to stir each other up in order to nurture future generations of believers?

Examine Yourself
Are you truly saved? Learn how self examination leads to salvation and continuous spiritual growth and maturity.

Jonah 1 – A Story of a Racist
When God issues us a mission, are we in any position to object?

Christ Crucified
Christ Crucified 2 And so it was with me, brothers and sisters. When I came to you, I did not come with eloquence or human wisdom as I proclaimed to you the testimony about God.

Parting Words: How to Free Me from Myself
To be free from sin, we must be free from our sinful selves. That's right! We are often our own worst enemy. How do we fight ourselves? Tune in to learn more.

Special Service: The Commissioning of Eric and Crystal Kuykendall
In a special combined worship, we send Eric and Crystal Kuykendall to the mission field. Pastor Caleb Cheung offers a sermon about loving God, loving our neighbors, and how this fits into the Great Commission.

Parting Words: How to Distinguish God’s Voice
When we are influenced by that guiding voice, is it coming from God or someone else? Tune in to learn more about how to tell the difference.

Parting Words: How to Avoid Stressing Out
Believe it or not, the Bible gives us a guaranteed way to handle stress and anxiety. Tune in to find out how.

Parting Words: Winning the Hand You’re Dealt
How can we be so different, yet be expected to live the same Christian life? Tune in to find out.

Stewardship: God Gives
God expects us to be stewards. He provides for us financially so that we can use those resources as stewards.
Join us this week to learn how God wants us to use our money.

Worship: God’s Glory
Worship is such a huge part of our faith, yet so many in the Bible have blurred the lines between worship and idolatry. How should we worship while staying on the right side of that line?

The Church: God Sends
What is a church? Is it a building? Is it a collection of believers? Why do churches exist?
Join us this week to find out more about the reason for the church, what part it should play in our lives, and what part we should play in the life of the church.

The Resurrection: God’s Salvation
As Christians, we often focus the life and death of Jesus Christ. We try to be more like Jesus (WWJD). We honor His sacrifice. There's one very important part of the story that we, as humans, can't achieve: He defeated death.

The Cross: God Dies
The doctrine of the crucifixion of Jesus paramount to Christian faith. But, crucifixion was not a punishment reserved for Christ alone. What is it about this crucifixion that is different from the rest?

The Incarnation: God Relates
The doctrine of incarnation explains God becoming flesh, coming to us as a human in the form of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

The Covenant: God’s Pursuit
A covenant, in its most basic form, is an agreement. It's a deal between two or more parties.
What was the agreement? Have we held up our end of the deal?

The Fall: God’s Judgement
What is sin?
Why does sin exist?
How does our understanding of sin affect they way we, as Christians, live our lives?

Image: God’s Mirror
We have been made in God's image.
That's a strong statement.
The fact that we are made in the image of God means that we are set apart from the creatures and other living things, but it also means we have extra responsibility. Just like children are often seen as a reflection of their parents, we are a reflection of God.

Creation: God Makes
Believe it or not, there are different perspectives on creation (even among Christians).
What does creation mean to you? How well does it match up to what the Bible tells us? How does our belief affect our lives?

Revelation: God Speaks
So often, we pray for guidance and counsel from God and listen intently for his answer. Just as often, we hear an answer and wonder: Did we hear Him correctly? Are we understanding Him accurately? Is it really Him speaking to me?

The Trinity: God Is
We begin this week with the often-misunderstood doctrine of the Trinity. What is it and what does it mean for our faith?

The Rule of Radical Endurance
Christian life is “a race”, not a sprint but more of a marathon. It is a race that will include many setbacks, disappointments, and pain along the way.

The Rule of Radical Presence
“It isn't good for man to be alone.” God has provided us certain tools to deal with loneliness we all feel at times.

The Rule of Radical Mercy
What does it mean to show mercy that is deeply rooted in God's love? When you think of of mercy, you may think of forgiveness, compassion, leniency, or even pity. Radical mercy goes beyond forgiveness and compassion.

The Rule of Radical Freedom
Freedom is the ability AND the power to say YES to the good things of God in our life, and NO to the things that are destructive and inhibit fellowship with our Lord as well as with others.

The Rule of Radical Hope
It’s been a tough year… People are searching for HOPE going into 2021. But WHERE you find your hope, is the critical issue.

The Rule of Radical Love
This Sunday I will be sharing a message in our series Radical Rules for Developing Spiritual Roots. I think it is appropriate that we look at the Root of LOVE at Christmas, especially THIS Christmas.

The Rule of Radical Joy
If there is one characteristic that symbolizes the Christian faith, it is JOY! In fact in addition to the Radical Roots of Gratitude and Faith, Joy is one thing that keeps a believer well “rooted” when times of suffering and challenge arise in our lives.

The Rule of Radical Faith
What is faith? Is it simply believing in the existence of God, or an orthodox set of important biblical doctrines? Actually it is much, much more than mere belief.

A Great Multitude and You
Southern Baptists have been “telling” the good news of Jesus Christ as the Savior of the world, for over 175 years though it’s missionary arm, the International Mission Board(formally known as the Foreign Mission Board). In fact, Southern Baptists chose China as their first foreign mission field, and Samuel C. Clopton was appointed as the first missionary in 1845.

Special Service – Thanksgiving
The Rule of Radical Gratitude
In observation of the Thanksgiving holiday, Monterey Park Chinese Baptist Church (MPCBC) has scheduled a combined worship service. As we come together as one unified church of diverse backgrounds and cultures, let us praise God in all things and at all times.

I Am: Victorious
We are in a war. Do you know your enemy? Do you know your king? What weapons are you using to fight?

I Am: Fathered
Men, what kind of father are you or will you be? Women, what are your hopes for your present or future husband?

I Am: Loved
Jesus loves the church the way a groom loves his bride. He acts as her head, giver, sanctifier/cleanser, and nourisher/cherisher. This relationship provides a picture of what a marriage between a husband and wife SHOULD look like.

I Am: Adopted
As a Christian, you’ve been adopted by God the Father, given a new identity, and welcomed into a family with Jesus as your big Brother. You’ve been adopted to worship.

I Am: Forgiven
In the past, have there been seeds of discontent sown in your soul that could cause you to become bitter? The truth is, if you’ve been sinned against, you have two choices: to REMAIN BITTER or to FORGIVE

I Am: New
“When you know who you are, then you know what to do.” The truth is that ‘in Christ’; you are a totally new creation. No longer are you alienated from God and walking in the futility of a darkened mind.

I Am: Gifted
Some have multiple gifts and different levels of a gift. God gives gifts “to equip the saints and build up the body of Christ.” Since every believer has at least one spiritual gift, what is yours?

I Am: Heard
Paul is not only an excellent model for thriving under affliction; he is also a practical example of how to pray. In fact, communicating with our God is closely related to who we are IN CHRIST.

I Am: Afflicted
Every person on Earth will go through some period of suffering. In this week's scripture, Paul explains how suffering has a benefit--a benefit for you, for others, and for the Kingdom of God.

I Am: Reconciled
Christians are reconciled to one another and together are a dwelling place for God. What an important message today in our culture of strife and division!

I Am: Saved
those who are “in Christ” are saved from. Namely: death, sin, worldly living, Satan and demons, the old nature/old desires, and God’s wrath. We’re saved by grace, and then empowered by grace to do good works.

I Am: Appreciated
When you know that Jesus appreciates you it enables you, by God’s grace power to turn those dark and sinful areas in your life, into ones that bring glory to him and a blessing to you and others.

I Am: In Christ
In the Book of Ephesians, Paul further says that as Christians, we are privileged to be what he calls “in Christ.” He uses some form of this expression some 216 times in his letters. In comparison, the term “Christian” is used a mere three times throughout the entire New Testament. So what is Paul trying to say to each of us who are?

I Am: ________________
Today’s sermon represents the start of a new sermon series about self-identity, based on the Book of Ephesians. I Am: _________ Please join CONNECT Ministry @ MPCBC on Sunday, August 16, 2020, at 11:00 AM on YouTube for the sermon “How Do You Identify.”
How to Earn the Respect of Others
Many times, we think we gain that respect through establishing a certain image based on money, power, intellect and self-branding . . but the reality is true respect is gained by personal character
How to be an Authentic Friend
Being an authentic friend is an important life skill all the time, especially during the broadest and most life-altering pandemic in our life time in the United States.