The Cross: God Dies

In Part 8 of the sermon series Essential Doctrines of the Faith, we look at The Cross.

The doctrine of the crucifixion of Jesus paramount to Christian faith. But, crucifixion was not a punishment reserved for Christ alone.  What is it about this crucifixion that is different from the rest?

Tune in to find out why The Cross is so important and what it means for our lives.

Good Morning, Friends!

It seems you can’t get away from them. They are everywhere. From high precipices atop church steeples, to hospitals and first aid stations, to the walls of families’ homes — CROSSES are everywhere! For many, a cross as jewelry or as a fashion brand is an essential part of one’s wardrobe. But what exactly is the true MEANING of the cross? What does it mean to you, personally? For a Christian, it means quite a lot actually. It means everything!

This week we will be looking at the Doctrine of the Cross, number 8 in our 13-part series of “ESSENTIAL DOCTRINES OF THE FAITH.” Join us for Connect Worship Sunday March 21st at 11 AM right here: , as we look at “The Cross: God Dies.”

***ALSO, I want to remind you Easter Sunday is very early this year on April 4th. If you have accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior and would like to be baptized, please contact Pastor Eric as soon as possible.

For the Cause of the Crucified Christ!

Pastor Eric