The Rule of Radical Love
A letter from Pastor Eric:
Good morning and Merry Christmas! I trust you are in the CHRISTmas Spirit! Often when we think of the sacred Christmas story, it’s all about the wise men, the shepherds and the birth of baby Jesus in a manger among all the animals in the stable. However, if Jesus had simply STAYED a baby, he would have never accomplished the mission for which he was sent, to be the Savior of the world.
This Sunday I will be sharing a message in our series Radical Rules for Developing Spiritual Roots. I think it is appropriate that we look at the Root of LOVE at Christmas, especially THIS Christmas. Please join us Sunday December 20th at 11: 15 (PST) on our YouTube channel right here: .
This week’s message will have a special gospel theme so be sure to share the link with your friends who have yet to believe.
In the Love of Christ at Christmas!
Pastor Eric Kykendall – Connect Ministry