The Rule of Radical Freedom
Hi Folks, Happy New Year! I trust and hope that your 2021 will be better than your 2020. It’s been a difficult time for all kinds of reasons, but I think one of the hardest things we have had to endure is the sheer isolation or shall I say feeling of “incarceration.” Freedom to go mask-less and enjoy going to restaurants, entertainment events and in-person worship is something that we all miss immensely. But what is real “freedom”? Is it simply the ability to do whatever you want? Is it the liberation from the authority of the likes of parents, teachers, bosses and the government?
True spiritual freedom is so much more than any of these things. It is the ability AND the power to say YES to the good things of God in our life, and NO to the things that are destructive and inhibit fellowship with our Lord as well as with others. Please tune in to our YouTube channel on Sunday January 3rd at 11: 15 AM (PST) right here: to hear more. I will be continuing our “RADICAL RULES FOR DEVELOPING SPIRITUAL ROOTS SERIES” where we look at “THE RULE OF RADICAL FREEDOM.”
Pastor Eric Kuykendall